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Minecraft play as a cat mod download

Minecraft play as a cat mod download
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Minecraft Mods - Download Mods

Minecraft Mods and mod reviews. Find and download the best and most popular mods for Minecraft. Minecraft mods is a way to enhance the gaming experience. Everything can theoretically be changed. While some mods do little things like giving you the ability to fly, other mods changes the whole overall Minecraft experience. Sep 22,  · Cool mod but can make a cat chest plate that does something? and the cats are worthless in minecraft so i made a mod to make them more useful #15 Sep 16, tekkit tekkit View User Profile Better Than Cats Mod (UPDATE ) Previous Thread. Jump to Forum. Next Thread. Social Media. Services. Sign In. Help. Minecraft cats will climb trees, play with balls of wool, eat out of bowls, use litter boxes and sometimes scratch you if you make them angry. First things first, install Mo' Creatures. When you have installed the mod, you'll encounter wild kitties mewling in the game. How to Tame a Pet CatAuthor: Hope Alexander.

minecraft play as a cat mod download

Minecraft play as a cat mod download

Hope loves "Minecraft" and experimenting with various mods to add some creative flair to her gameplay. Everyone loves cats, well almost everyone, certainly the Internet love cats.

Now there are pet cats in the Minecraft Mo'Creatures mod, a mod I cannot recommend highly enough. Minecraft cats will climb trees, play with balls of wool, eat out of bowls, use litter boxes and sometimes scratch you if you make them angry. First things first, install Mo' Creatures. When you have installed the mod, you'll encounter wild kitties mewling in the game, minecraft play as a cat mod download. Wild kitties can be tamed by tossing a piece of cooked fish near them.

They will go ahead and consume the fish and then no longer run away when you get near them. To name your pet cat, you need to craft a "medallion," a collar really. Medallions are created with a gold ingot and two pieces of leather. Place them on your cat and minecraft play as a cat mod download be able to name that cat. Pet food is created by placing raw pork and raw fish in a crafting grid. In order to feed your cat, you need to create a cat bed, which comes with a food dish.

The cat bed is created by six planks, wool and an iron ingot the iron ingot goes to make the pet food bowl. If you use colored wool, you'll get a colored cat bed, which is nice. Now that you have your pet food and your cat bed, you can right-click on the cat bed with some cat food and you'll hear the food tinkling into the bowl. Once your cat has eaten, it will need a litter box.

Your litter box can be created by eight wood planks and a block of sand. When a cat uses a litter box, it becomes dirty. A dirty litterbox has very real consequences in the Minecraft world, as it attracts aggressive mobs. You can simply avoid the litterbox whilst it biologically becomes clean, or you can clean it with a block of sand.

I recommend the latter. To get your pet cat to follow you, you'll need to craft a ball of wool, which is made from minecraft play as a cat mod download pieces of string. If you hold it in your hand, the cat will follow you.

If you toss it to the cat, the cat will play with it. If you want your cats to have kittens, give two cats cake and make sure they have access to a cat bed. You can download Mo'Creatures and get more information on how to play with and care for your kitties here. Minecraft play as a cat mod download comment on this article, you must sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account, minecraft play as a cat mod download.

Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, minecraft play as a cat mod download others.

HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc. As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, levelskip. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Hope Alexander more. How to Tame a Pet Cat Wild kitties can be tamed by tossing a piece of cooked fish near them. Once your pet cat is tamed, you'll need to take care of them. How to Make Pet Food Pet food is created by placing raw pork and raw fish in a crafting grid.

How to Make a Cat Bed The cat bed is created by six planks, wool and an iron ingot the iron ingot goes to make the pet food bowl. How to Make a Litter Box Once your cat has eaten, it will need a litter box. How to Pick up Cat Beds and Litter Boxes You can pick up cat beds and litterboxes by right-clicking on them with a pickaxe in your hand.

How to Make a Pet Minecraft Cat Follow You To get your pet cat to follow you, you'll need to craft a ball of wool, which is made from four pieces of string. How to Breed a Cat If you want your cats to have kittens, give two cats cake and make sure they have access to a cat bed. Sign In Join. Simulation Games, minecraft play as a cat mod download.

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Minecraft play as a cat mod download

minecraft play as a cat mod download

Browse and download Minecraft Cats Mods by the Planet Minecraft community. Minecraft Mod. 19 diamonds 3, views downloads 8 comments 14 favorited. Posted 01/31/ by mar-mar. Game Version: Minecraft beta. photo x 7. playlist_add. share. VIEW. Readable Spells []. Minecraft cats will climb trees, play with balls of wool, eat out of bowls, use litter boxes and sometimes scratch you if you make them angry. First things first, install Mo' Creatures. When you have installed the mod, you'll encounter wild kitties mewling in the game. How to Tame a Pet CatAuthor: Hope Alexander. The original name is WTFisaNeko, and it is a cat mod for minecraft that is currently in Version one and compatible up to Beta _02 (at the time of this writing). Originally created by KodaichiZero. These nekos, or “cats” as I coloquially refer to them, are NOT too fond of /5(35).

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